I provide better service at a better price.
You make all the decisions, I will advise, but at the end of the day, it's yours, so you decide.
On-site (No transporting issues)
Cheaper (less overheads)
Unparralleled Service
I have over 30 years experience.
Qualified Small Engines Mechanic.
Briggs & Stratton Master Service Technician.
Stihl Service Technician.
I will ask you questions, so that I can better assess what the problem is with your product.
If there is an issue, other than what you have asked to be fixed, or the job is going to more than expected, I will contact you & advise your options, before I proceed.
Once the job is completed, I will issue you with an invoice, showing a complete break down of parts used & work performed.
Payment can be made by either Cash or Internet Banking.